Turengerekawa Station
Location: Rusizi, Western Province of Rwanda
Built: 2007
Manager: Alfred Musabyimana
Processing Method: wet processing, dried on elevated African drying tables
Altitude: 1650 m
Water Source: Natural spring
From the beginning, ImpexCor Coffee's main objective has been working with farmers, especially cooperatives. Initially, our partnership with cooperatives are limited to buying their coffee and supporting them in different areas such as technical and financial support. Our relationship with Turengerekawa Cooperative is unique and it goes beyond other cooperatives. The cooperative started its own washing station in 2007 with 76 farmer members. Usually, the word Turengerekawa means “Let’s take care of coffee”. When it comes to coffee treatment, this cooperative is a leading example of the successful story that all things are possible through coffee. coffee has improved people’s lives socially and economically.
Since 2018 we expanded our partnership with the cooperative to help them increase their production and improve the quality of the coffee. Since 2018, we have managed to increase the quantity of coffee cherries from 258 tons per year to 272 tons in 2020. We are also working on increasing the number of coffee trees, where since 2018 we have made a remarkable improvement from 71,000 threes to 100,0000 trees in 2020. We have a goal to make Turengerekawa Cooperative to be the leading coffee farmer’s cooperative in Rwanda.
This has made us expand our partnership with the cooperative. Since 2018 we increased the support from technical, management, and marketing.